If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know how much I love a good pallet project.  This outdoor pallet turkey is another example of reclaimed wood put to good use.  Why pallets?  I am so glad you asked …let me count the ways!

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

10 Reasons why I love Pallet Wood:

  • It is FREE!
  • It is plentiful
  • It is FREE!
  • It comes in a variety of sizes
  • It is FREE!
  • It can be easily stained or painted
  • It is FREE!
  • It is a hard wood perfect for small projects like signs or large projects like furniture
  • It is FREE!
  • It is environmentally-friendly

Okay…maybe that is only 6 different reasons but you get the point.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

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Pallet Turkey Supplies:

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Pallet Turkey Instructions:

Step 1)  Remove the top crossbar from the back side of the pallet.  The easiest way to do this is using a sawzall with a metal blade.  Simply saw through the nails between the pallet board and the crossbar.  This would be a good time go ahead and disassemble the other pallet.  You will need the extra boards in step 5.

Step 2)  Using a jigsaw or small circular saw, cut the 2 perpendicular pallet boards on the back side in half.  When you are finished your pallet will look something like the picture above.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 3)  Make a cutting guide to follow.  Using a piece of chalk or spray paint, create a visual guide to follow with your jigsaw.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 4)  Using your jigsaw, follow your guide to create the arch of turkey feathers.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Don’t worry about this being perfect…embrace the imperfections!

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 5)  Using your air-nailer, begin nailing on the extra boards to create dimension.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 6)  Repeat step 5.  Don’t worry at this point about the length…you can cut them off later.   

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 7)  I added a third layer for even more interest.  This is not necessary but I had some extra boards laying around so I added them.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 8)  Using your jigsaw, repeat step 4.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 9)  Create a turkey body by sketching a “bowling pin” shape on your plywood.  With the leftover wood, I drew a triangle for the beak and a railroad spike for his Wattle.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 10)  Cut out your shapes using your jigsaw.  Sand the edges smooth with a sanding sponge.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

All that was left was a couple of eyes, a hat and some paint.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 11)  Using your acrylic paints, add color to all of your turkey feathers.  Let dry.

Step 12)  Paint the body, the beak and the wattle with spray paint.  Let dry.

Step 13)  Attach the eyes.  I decided on recycled cabinet knobs but you could use buttons, corks or even felt.

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

Step 14)  Add a hat.  For the hat, I used 2 scraps of pallet wood spray-painted black.  I used my air-nailer to attach it to his head.

Step 15)  Add the finishing touches.  For a little extra pizazz, I added some wings by painting them on with orange acrylic paint.  While the paint was wet, I sprinkled orange glitter on them.  I repeated that on his beak.  Last but not least…I tied a piece of orange burlap around his neck for a scarf…perfect!

DIY Thanksgiving decorations are not just for inside. Let this Tom Turkey Pallet Project greet your Thanksgiving guests with your own personal style!

A little crooked?…yes.  A little off-center?…probably.  A little too bright?…maybe.  But guess what…I made him with my own 2 hands and it feels great.  I love him…and all of his little imperfections that make him unique.

Each and everyone of you inspire me and I LOVE to see the work that you’ve created. Feel free to share with me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. And as always, be sure to follow Diva Of DIY on Pinterest and sign up for our FREE Newsletter to receive the latest projects delivered straight to your inbox!

If you love pallet projects as much as I do then check out a couple of these pallet posts:  “How to make a pallet coffee table” ; “DIY Pallet Wall” ; and “An easy pallet garden”




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