Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic

Let’s face it…I love chalkboards and I love silver trays so why not make a silver tray chalkboard right?

You can always find silver trays at garage sales and thrift stores.  The good thing about this project is that it doesn’t matter if the tray is scratched, discolored or engraved! In fact I prefer them because they’ll be cheaper!

When looking for a tray for this project, look for one that has a flat center large enough to write on and any interesting detail is a bonus!

Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 1


Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 2

Alright so let’s get started.

You want to begin by taping off the area to be painted.  I didn’t want to get the chalkpaint along side the edges so I taped them! Once you have it taped, take a credit card or paint stirrer (something with a flat edge and burnish the edges) and run it along the inside of the tape. This will ensure there’s no paint that will bleed under the tape.

DIVA TIP:  Painter’s tape has a wax film.  When you burnish the edges you heat up the wax which creates a barrier to prevent paint from seeping…DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!

Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 3

Using a foam roller, apply a thin coat of chalkboard paint (finish rolling in one direction).  Let dry.

Apply a second coat with the foam roller but this time finish rolling in the opposite direction. Let dry.

Repeat a third time.  Let dry overnight.

Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 4

Carefully remove the tape and voila…beautiful.

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Take a piece of your chalk, lay it on its side and rub it across the entire surface.  This is called “seasoning” your chalkboard and it is a must for a successful finish!

Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 5

Next, take a paper towel or dry cloth and rub the chalk into the chalkboard paint.

Lastly, take a damp rag and wipe the chalkboard clean. Let dry and you are ready to write away!

Thrift store finds silver tray chalkboard feature pic 7This Serving Tray chalkboard can function for several purposes. I’ll suggest a few and you can create it for any purpose that works for your life.

  • If heading out on long car rides with the kiddos not only can they have fun and draw, but, it can double as a craft tray for working on other projects during the drive and eat snacks on without creating a mess!
  • Having guests over? Create your menu on the serving tray to display. You can also note any allergies.
  • If you are selling your home turn this serving tray into a welcome sign for the potential new home owners during a open house or leave out for showings. Make them feel all warm and cozy!
  • Do you like to serve appetizers? Jot down the name of the appetizer and the ingredients to serve at a cocktail party.
  • Find a large serving tray and turn into a seating chart for your upcoming wedding!

There’s so many possibilities with this Serving Tray Chalkboard…I think I’m going to have to make a few more!

Ya’ll inspire me and I LOVE to see the work that you’ve created. Feel free to share with me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. And as always, be sure to follow Diva Of DIY on Pinterest and sign up for our FREE Newsletter to receive the latest projects delivered straight to your inbox!

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