Check out my latest thrift store find! I found this cute little octagon side table a couple months ago and fell in love. It has so much detail and octagon is such a unique shape I had to have it. Oh, and the fact that is was $10 might have helped my urge to have to have it a bit. I love the look of chalk style paints but here is my dilemma, who wants to spend $40 on paint for a $10 table? Not me! That is why I am now offering an alternative to those expensive paints. I now use my Diva of DIY Chalk Mix.

Let me introduce you to my lovely octagon table…

chalk mix octagon table (1)

Now how cute is that? Look at all the woodwork detail.

chalk mix octagon table (3)

The table was heavily lacquered and had pieces chipping off but all the wood was in perfect shape it just needed an facelift. So I grabbed some supplies and got to work.

chalk mix octagon table

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Supplies for Paint and Wax Makeover:

Any color latex paint
Diva of DIY Chalk Mix
Good Paint Brush – I also used this square shaped brush, for pieces with crevices like this piece it’s awesome
Medium Grit Sanding Sponge
Buffing Pad
Krud Kutter
Dirty Wax – I used Mocha Madness
Waxing Brush – This brush is slightly stiff to help burnish in the wax and it keeps from wasting wax. Softer waxing brushes gets stuck deep inside the brush and it is wasted.
Soft Cloth

Instructions for Paint and Wax Makeover:

Step 1) Using the Medium Grit Sanding Sponge you will want to scuff up the entire piece.

*Diva Tip: Use a sanding sponge and just buy sheets of sandpaper to wrap over it when it wears out.

chalk mix octagon table (6)

Step 2) Wipe table off with Krud Kutter to remove dust.

Step 3) Mix the Chalk Mix with latex paint and begin painting your first coat. This is where I used the small square brush to get into the detailed areas. Let dry.

chalk mix octagon table (7)

Step 4) Using buffing pad, lightly scuff the first coat. Wipe off dust with cloth.

Step 5) Apply second coat. Let Dry. I always use two coats of paint on my projects. The first coat basically acts as a primer. See how smooth that second coat looks.

chalk mix octagon table (9)

Step 6) Using a combination of the buffing pad and sandpaper begin to distress you piece by sanding off paint in places the wood would normally show wear and tear. If not distressing, use buffing pad to smooth surface, making sure it is as smooth as you want the finished project to be before you apply wax.

chalk mix octagon table (11)

Step 7) Wipe off dust with cloth.

chalk mix octagon table

Step 8) Using a wax brush, lightly dip brush into wax and begin to spread the wax. Use Dirty Wax sparingly.

chalk mix octagon table (1)

chalk mix octagon table (2)

Step 9) Work in small sections at a time putting the wax on and then buffing off with cheese cloth.

Step 10) Repeat this process until the entire surface is finished. Wax will harden as it dries. The wax is dry when it is no longer tacky.

Step 11) Buff the table for a luster sheen if desired, or leave as is for a matte finish.

I love the way this table turned out. The dark wax makes the details pop!

Makeover end table with chalk paint and wax
Each and everyone of you inspire me and I LOVE to see the work that you’ve created. Feel free to share with me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. And as always, be sure to follow Diva Of DIY on Pinterest and sign up for our FREE Newsletter to receive the latest projects delivered straight to your inbox!

If you like this project, check out these:

How to Make Affordable Chalk Style Paint
How to Make Affordable Chalk Style Paint
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