Want to know how to make your artificial tree look amazing? Look no further! The Diva of DIY, Leanne Lee, shows us to how spruce up your artificial tree. It will look fuller than ever before!

An artificial tree can look amazing if you know the tricks of the trade.

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Unfortunately, this is what it looks like when it comes out of the box. It can be a little discouraging to say the least. Don’t worry, The Diva of DIY, Leanne Lee, will show you how to take this tree from Charlie Brown to charming in a few simple steps.

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The first thing you need to do is spread out all of the branches. I am not gonna lie…this is my least favorite part, but, probably the most important.  Each branch will have multiple sprigs that jet off of it. To make the tree look full, spread one sprig to the left, one sprig to the right, one sprig up, one sprig down and leave one sprig straight ahead.  Repeat that with each of the branches.  I know it’s tedious, but, just don’t it….please!

Look at the difference!

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Next, make sure all of the lights are working. I know it seems backwards to not check the lights first but once the tree is spread out, it easier to see what bulbs, if any, need replaced.

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I like to make my own picks for my tree. You can make them by attaching whatever you like to baling wire, leaving some extra baling wire at the end to shove into the tree.  I am making Ribbon picks for this tree so simply take several types of ribbon and create a loop, leaving a long tail so that you can let it cascade in and out of the tree. Fasten the loops together with baling wire.

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I love adding unexpected items to my trees. I want it to be like a treasure hunt when then get up close to it. I added these small grapevine wreaths to add some extra dimension.

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I used jute-wrapped ornaments to fill in the gaps. Click here for a tutorial on how to create jute-wrapped ornaments.

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I finished it off with some “ting ting” for the tree topper and some burlap for the tree skirt.  Here is the tree I made for the set of Kansas City Live. I love how it turned out!

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